11 May 2017

Lords of the flies

Red-cheeked Starlings were feasting on flies earlier this week.....................

This was near Oshamanbe................

There were piles of fishing nets which and flies were swarming all over them, an insect all-you-can-eat for the starlings.................

This is a common summer visitor to Hokkaido but has a very limited range in east Asia,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

These are all males.....................

Some females photo-bombed this shot............

There must have been over a hundred of them.............


  1. I have seen many of the world's starlings but Red-cheeked is not one of them. Very handsome bird.

    1. They are range restricted, northern Japan and nearby in summer and the Philippines and nearby in winter I think......

  2. What a beautiful bird, one I haave never seen. I am sorry these days I do not have the same time to comment on all your posts due to recent events but I appreaciae you posts and your comments on mine.


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