30 October 2017

22 October 2017

On this day (October 22nd)......................

October 22nd 2013.

A young Red-legged Kittiwake 4 years ago today at Yakumo.

A heavy crop and not a great photo but this is a rare bird in Japan and I was very happy to find one. It was with a large flock of Black-legged Kittiwakes and to be honest I wouldn't have noticed it if it hadn't been flying around on its own and fairly close for a bit.............it was obviously different from the others.

19 October 2017

An autumn staple

Every autumn there are Great Egrets on the river (stream?) near my apartment. This year there are 2 (there may be more downstream).

There must be enough fish to support several individuals: sometimes they remain all winter. There were several salmon in the river too..............it would make a nice photo if one of the egrets tried to catch one.

Not much else around though and everything was grey.. A few Grey Starlings, a lone Grey Heron. 1 Grey Wagtail.

7 October 2017

On this day (October 7th)...........................

October 7th 2013.

A Pomarine Skua close inshore at Yakumo 4 years ago today. Still a heavy crop (it was before I got my 500mm lens) and not a good photo by any means but an interesting species that I haven't seen much of . Actually my only real experiences of skuas were on a trip to the Orkneys over 20 years ago.

There were loads of them heading south that day visible from shore, I have no idea why. It wasn't even particularly windy. I saw 3 species of skua at Yakumo that autumn but not one before or since...............

1 October 2017

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