15 January 2018

A rainy Monday

Somewhat surprisingly it poured down with rain today...............

So all that snow from a few days ago will turn to slush and then freeze. Nice.

About a dozen or so Black-necked Grebes were in one of the local harbours.............

One of them was coming into summer plumage...............it was too far off for a photo though. I've never seen them coming into summer colours as early as mid january though.

There were several Great-crested Grebes too.

Also in the port were Scaup, Goldeneye, Pochard, Blue Rock Thrush and Glaucous-winged Gull.


  1. By coincidence spotted my first UK Black-necked Grebe in the sea off Titchwell, Norfolk on Saturday - but not as close range as your shots! Now I can appreciate the detailed winter structure and plumage, Thanks.

    1. Hi Tony, you've seem more BNGs in the UK than I have then!

  2. Seems like the climate in Hokkaido makes it the kind of place we all want to live!! Mind you, the weather here this winter has been no prize.

    1. It seems the weather has become much more variable the last 10 years or so. I'm sure winter rain used to be much more infrequent than now.............

  3. The red eyes on the BN Grebes are a really striking splash of colour.
    Pity about the slush !


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