9 June 2016

Some common forest birds............

The forest pool is a good place for some of the commoner forest species, some of which are usually difficult to photograph....................

Like this Short Tailed Bush Warbler (also known as Asian Stubtail).

And this male Grey Bunting..................

And this female Japanese Thrush..................

Mosy of the pool was in shade meaning low shutter speeds, high ISO and f4. I had to dump a lot of photos and some of these don't look so great if you pixel peep. I think a 400 f2.8 and a flagship camera body that handles higher ISOs well would be necessary to get the best results but they are well out of my price range.

This Japanese White-eye was in good light at least.

Here's an Eastern Crowned Warbler..............

5 species of tit were prsent (as well as Nuthatch), here's some Long Tailed Tits, looking a tad scruffy..............


  1. All seems quite exotic to me, but then I am sure that some of our common species would be equally exotic for you.

    1. Other people's birds always seem more exotic than our own.............

  2. Lovely ssselcetion of fofrest bird. The L T Tit is a favourite of mine here.

  3. Cracking series Stu despite the dark, or perhaps even because of it; we get more of a flavour of the true nature of the habitat.
    In all my years birding I don't think I've ever seen a Lotty having a bath, they come in the garden but never down to the bird bath or pond.



    1. Thanks David. Took a few seconds to work out 'Lotty' there!

  4. Scruffy or not, Long-tailed Tit is a star ! I like the low light low contrast images best, - harder to get good shots in those conditions but a much more atmospheric feeling.


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