25 December 2017

Some christmas eagles................

The weather was milder on christmas eve................

We could go up to Yakumo as the roads were clear. There were plenty of eagles around but they weren't actually doing anything...................

It looks like the salmon run was not so good this year and the eagles may soon struggle to find food in Yakumo.

Usually there are many actively feeding at the end/start of the year but not today.

The light was awful.

Some BIFs of course.............

But mostly they were just sitting in the trees...............

Other stuff included Long-billed Plover, Great Egret, Whooper Swan, Brown Dipper, Japanese Wagtail and the usual common gulls and ducks.


  1. It's distressing to hear that the eagles may face a food shortage. Are there alternatives to salmon that they can exploit? Here, for example, Bald Eagles will readily take waterfowl.

    1. I'm sure they can take gulls, ducks etc but they obviously prefer the easy option of scavenging dead salmon I guess. They generally disperse when the salmon supply is exhausted................and in some winters (like this one will be, perhaps) they have to leave earlier than usual.

  2. Steller's SE - always an "Oooh - Aaaah" kind of bird, whatever the light conditions.

    Sorry, I've been off blogger so long (travel) I'd forgotten my password...

    1. Thanks John, yes I saw you've been globetrotting again............


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