4 March 2014

Back down south

A break from my East Hokkaido posts...............

The Gyrflacon was still at Sawara yesterday...........

It has been fairly mild since we got back but the strong wind at Sawara yesterday made it brutally cold (especially as I wasn't well wrapped up).

After some very long posts recently I've started inserting these 'jump breaks'..............so please click if you want to see more pictures and read my pearls of wisdom.

I was trying to get shots of it doing something interesting but the wind kept the falcon down in the grass most of the time................

I gave up, the cold defeated me. Here is a BIF from earlier in the day.............

There are lots of small birds around in Hakodate at the moment. Whilst i was on my way out of my fromt door a few days ago I saw this...............

A flock of  Bohemian Waxwing just outside my apartment building. Waxwings are everywhere at the moment but are very flighty and restless. Also in town are Brambling, Hawfinch, Redpoll, Crossbill and Hawfinch. Here is a shot of the latter............

I got home to find my trusty 2008 imac didn't work. I switch it on and nothing happens. Nothing at all. I guess it may be the power cord but of course Apple provide their own ones so I can't test it. Bummer.


  1. That's an incredible number of Waxwings. It's a pity they're so flighty as I saw Cedar Waxwings in San Francisco and they were subtly beautiful.

  2. Hi, yes sometimes they are not so shy..............but that's not the case this winter.

  3. I think Hokkaido is a great place, east, west, north or south. I went walking for 5 hours in Niigata on Saturday and got a handful of Great Tit pictures. Such a waste of time. you are so lucky to visit the eagles then come back to your Gyrfalcon. I was hoping to find one waxwing here by now.

    1. Hi Russell, well it isn't so far and you know where I am...............

  4. Amazing, all those Waxwings. Imagine the twitch if that was Preston town centre.

    1. You couldn't follow them around on the one way system.............


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