20 August 2009

Wader season underway...........

A bit of a grey day yesterday saw me on the beach at Kamiso checking for waders. There were several Red Necked Stints and a very tame Great Knot. It was a very dark day but I was happy with the Great Knot shots at least........

I'd only ever seen this species once, 3 years ago and in almost exactly the same spot.............

I could even take a handheld video on my compact digicam, uncropped........

The Red Necked Stints weren't as tame and were on a different part of the beach. They seemed to like eating/drinking from upturned shells............

Not much else around, a few Grey Tailed Tattler and a returning Black Headed Gull or 2. There were lots of Night Herons at Kamiso this time last year but none at all so far in 2009. I did find a young one on the river near my flat as well as a family of Kingfishers (on several occasions) but couldn't get a picture. A few migrants have been passing through, more Asian Brown Flycatchers and some phylloscopus warblers.

I watched some movies this last week. 'Bruno' was infantile but funny, 'The Damned United' was pretty good even if it wasn't actually 100% factually accurate. I watched the original youtube TV interview with Brian Clough and Don Revie just after Clough had been sacked by Leeds, interesting stuff.

Liverpool were terrible against Spurs but won last night, the squad still looks a bit thin though.

Hope England can confound everyone and win the Final Test.

The noisy bastards outside my window continue to make my life a misery. Only 1 day off in the last 30, they make noise 10-12 hours a day. We have diggers, hammers and saws going as I type. Invading my every thought. My nerves are completely frazzled. Japanese people seem to be able to filter out a lot of this kind of noise but I don't have such skills. By the time they finish at the end of next month I'll be ready to kill someone. Well maybe not kill them but humiliate them in a painful way perhaps. . The CEO of Daiwa House beware.

1 comment:

  1. I quite like that first pic Stu. It's got a wonderful symmetry.
    I set my self a quick challenge to ID these waders and my guesses were correct! Great Knot and Red-necked Stint are rare birds in Sri Lanka - so I am happy to have got my IDs right. I am yet to see a Red-necked Stint positively in SL and I hope it will change soon.


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