28 July 2016

On this day (July 28th)..................................

July 28th 2014.

A Spectacled Guillemot near Esashi 2 years ago today. Only the second one I'd seen in southern Hokkaido, it must have been blown inshore by strong westerlies. It looks a bit scruffy...........probably an adult beginning its moult. They look great in full summer plumage but I only see them as distant specks off the capes of east Hokkaido then....................

24 July 2016

A real struggle

I noticed some unusual Osprey behaviour a few days ago.................

21 July 2016

East/North Hokkaido Summer 2016 #7

The breeding season was in full swing in the grasslands of North Hokkaido................

East/North Hokkaido Summer 2016 #6

We camped for 3 nights on the Ohotsk coast. It was our 3rd consecutive time at this campsite, I chose it because it has Siberian Rubythroats singing in front of the tent..........

18 July 2016

17 July 2016

East/North Hokkaido Summer 2016 #1

We just got back from a weeklong camping trip to east and north Hokkaido.

The above White Tailed Eagle was at Kiritappu in the east of the island. It was sat on a concrete wall, I took these photos out of the car window

We spent most of the first day driving. It was great to be in this part of Hokkaido again................more to follow over the next few days...............after I catch up on some sleep.

4 July 2016

Unfledged Ospreys

The Ospreys are nesting on the same offshore stack as last year............

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