2 September 2018

2018 late Summer trip #3

 The second day of our short trip was windy but sunny...................

Not ideal for photos but there were lots of waders near Yakumo.

4 Sandelings.................

And the inevitable Red-necked Stints............

Half a dozen or so Mongolian Plovers.......................mainly juveniles but there was at least 1 adult.

Lots of Red-necked Stints around as you can see.............

2 Eastern Curlew flew in off the sea................

Offshore, well out of decent photo range, were quite a few Common Terns......................

Other stuff around included Osprey, Great Egret and Black-necked Grebe.


  1. Glad to see a good bunch of waders like this - is Far Eastern Curlew rare for you up there ?(ours are far outnumbered by Eurasian Curlew).

    1. The complete opposite here. Eurasian are much rarer. In fact I've only ever seen one.

    2. Ah, interesting... I'd never have guessed Eurasian would be rarer up there !

    3. Of course I've seen plenty in the UK but in Hokkaido at least they seem very scarce.

  2. I think you hit a sweet with the light Stu. Our tree pipits are not necessarily more common just that birders are more clued up to the calls.

    1. I only ever saw them in Scotland, guess they may be rare in South Ribble at least...........


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