11 May 2016

Grey Bunting

A male Grey Bunting at the forest pool from our recent trip.

This is another shy forest species that I rarely get the chance to photograph....................

This is a scarce but regular passage visitor through Hakodate, I also see them in Onuma sometimes. they are real skulkers and like the dark damp areas of the forest.

The male is a beautiful bird I think. As you can see the light was very good for some of its poses.............

Although it was darker where it was bathing..................

This is a female.


  1. another beautiful bird and pictures

  2. Hello Stuart!:) It is a beautiful grey bird, and you have captured it in perfect light. Love all your images, even the female is a sweet looking bird, but the male is gorgeous.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I usually only see immature birds that don't look as nice as this one..........

  3. Great looking species and nice setting, Stu.

  4. That's a new one on me Stu. Great pictures as it's not too often that woodland allows photos.

    1. I'm sure once the greenery spreads it'll be darker..............

  5. NICE bunting - we don't get those here in HK


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